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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present


ferc123101.txt        Energy Regulators OK Secret Nat Sec Grease Palm  December 31, 2001

tsa123101.txt         Passenger Half-assed Aviation Security Fees      December 31, 2001
faa123101.txt         FAA RFC on Pilot Arms to Kill Drunks             December 31, 2001
uscs123101.txt        Customs Rule on Foreign Devil Passenger Lists    December 31, 2001
uscg123101.txt        Coast Guard Security Zone at NH Nuclear Folly    December 31, 2001
6-more-iced.htm       6 Terrorist Groups' Assets Stolen                December 31, 2001

wtc122901.htm         WTC Area Photos December 29, 2001                December 29, 2001
fcc-x-linux.htm       FCC Bars LINUX from Universal Licensing System   December 29, 2001
fox-il-spy.htm        Yanked Fox News Reports on Israeli US Spying     December 29, 2001
trulock-v-fbi.htm     Trulock Wins 1A Against Freeh, FBI Agents        December 29, 2001
usa-v-rcr-dkt.htm     USA v. Richard C. Reid - Docket 12/28/01         December 29, 2001

nrc122801.htm         NRC Conceals Nuke Risk Information               December 28, 2001
fincen122801.txt      FinCEN Rule on Money Instruments, Suspicions     December 28, 2001
dot122801.txt         DOT Sets Up Transportation Security Office       December 28, 2001
pm121201.txt          Prez on Marine War Risk Insurance                December 28, 2001
obl-yemen.htm         Some Say Bin Laden Escapes to Yemen              December 28, 2001

dnfsb122701.txt       Nuke Safety Board Testimony and Records          December 27, 2001
nsa-4th-view.htm      NSA's SHAMROCK - A View From the NSA Side        December 26, 2001
wtc-dap.htm           WTC Disaster Action Plan for Business Recovery   December 26, 2001
s1867-talk.txt        CYA Probe: How Did Terrorists Out-Fox US Gov?    December 26, 2001
hr3448-talk.txt       Public Health Security/Anti-Bioterrorism Panic   December 26, 2001

dos122601.txt         State Dept Boosts Two More Terrorist Orgs        December 26, 2001
ustr122601.txt        Is Canada Intellectual Property Pirate?          December 26, 2001
istac-bend.htm        What Is ISTAC at Bend, Oregon?                   December 24, 2001
tbw-paper.htm         Thermobaric Tunnel Buster Briefing Paper         December 24, 2001
ford-v-2600.htm       2600 Wins in               December 23, 2001

void-to-avoid.htm     How to Avoid Building Ground Zeros               December 22, 2001
intel-probe.htm       Call for Commission on Terrorist Attacks         December 21, 2001
usaid-afghan.htm      USAID's Natsios on Afghanistan's Reconstruction  December 21, 2001
gao-nnsa.htm          Nuclear Weapons: Status of Stockpile Extension   December 21, 2001
doj122101.txt         Rule on September 11 Victim Compensation Fund    December 21, 2001

bxa122001.txt         BXA RFC on Missile Technology Export to Canada   December 20, 2001
shor-nature.htm       IBM Realization of Shor's Quantum Factoring Algo December 20, 2001
us-ct-un.htm          U.S. Submits Counter-terrorism Report to UN      December 19, 2001
dirty-jones.htm       DIRT/Frank Jones Conviction and Probation Docs   December 19, 2001

dirty-lantern.htm     DIRT-Magic Lantern Firm Barred from Gov Work     December 19, 2001
mpaa-v-net-mg.htm     Coming Soon: Hollywood Versus the Internet       December 18, 2001
gsa121801.txt         GSA Rule on Hiring Exceptional Info Tech D00ds   December 18, 2001
fda121801.htm         FDA Food Filth Approval Manual                   December 18, 2001
hud121801.txt         HUD Rule on Counterparty Haircuts                December 18, 2001

doj121701.txt         DoJ Standards for Violent Prisoner Transport     December 17, 2001
osha121701.txt        OSHA Withdraws Indoor Air-Homicide Ban Plan      December 17, 2001
nara121701.txt        Nixon Records Opened                             December 17, 2001
uscg121701.txt        Cost Guard Workshop on Maritime Terrorism/Crime  December 17, 2001
dsb121701.txt         DSB Secret Meet on Lessons Learned Chasing OBL   December 17, 2001

dod121701.txt         DoD Secret Meets on Electronic Devices           December 17, 2001
usa-v-rph-dkt.htm     USA v. Robert Philip Hanssen - Docket            December 16, 2001 (ok)
cej110201.htm         Cypherpunk Ban                                   December 16, 2001
schor-obit.htm        Naomi Schor, Literary Critic, Dies               December 16, 2001
ms-drmos-sj.htm       MS DRM Patent and Freedom to Speak and Think     December 15, 2001

usa-v-ar-stu.htm      USA v. Ahmed Ressam - Unsealed Records           December 14, 2001
hr2883-cr.txt         Senate/House OK Scary Intelligence Funding 2002  December 14, 2001
dsb121401.txt         DSB Secret Meets on Bio-Terr, Compellence        December 14, 2001
pm120701.txt          Prez Memo on FBI Cooping with N. Ireland Cops    December 14, 2001
eo13239.txt           Exec Order Claims Afghan Air Is War Zone         December 14, 2001

ubl-tape.htm          Transcription of Usama bin Laden Video Tape      December 13, 2001
ms-remedy.htm         States v. Microsoft - Remedial Proposals         December 13, 2001
ms-drm-os.htm         MS Digital Rights Management Operating System    December 12, 2001
bio-terr-il.htm       Bio-Terrorism in Israel                          December 12, 2001
dsb121101.txt         DSB Secret Meet on Precision Compellence         December 12, 2001

ftc121201.htm         FTC Roundtable on Hague Convention               December 12, 2001
usaf121201.htm        USAF Notice on GPS L2 C Signal                   December 12, 2001
nccs121201.txt        Nuke Command and Control Secret Meet             December 12, 2001
fbi121101.htm         FBI Cracks Down on Global Internet Piracy Rings  December 11, 2001
usa-v-zm-ind.htm      USA v. Zacarias Moussaoui - Indictment           December 11, 2001

sp800-38a.htm         NIST on Block Cipher Modes of Operation          December 11, 2001
fi2-anthrax.htm       Responsibility for Recent Anthrax Incidents      December 10, 2001
wct120701.htm         WIPO Copyright Treaty to Enter into Force        December 10, 2001
afeb121001.txt        Armed Forces Secret Meeting on Toxic IP          December 10, 2001     
hpc121001.htm         Bush To OK Export of Faster Computers            December 10, 2001

alq-terr-man.htm      Alleged Al Qaeda Training Manual                 December 8, 2001
dos120701.txt         39 Terrorist Orgs Named Under USA PATRIOT Act    December 7, 2001
terr-hear.htm         Hearing on Bush/Ashcroft Terrorism Initiatives   December 6, 2001
ta120601.txt          Technology Administration Workshop on DRM        December 6, 2001
nist120601.htm        NIST on AES Announcement                         December 6, 2001

fips-197.htm          FIPS 197 - Advanced Encryption Standard          December 6, 2001
strike3.htm           Homeland Terrorism Strike Three                  December 4, 2001
ro-snoop.htm          Romanian Executive Enacts Snooping Law           December 4, 2001
cia-spann2.htm        CIA Denies Naming Killed Officer for Publicity   December 3, 2001
screwed-93.htm        USG Names 93 Anti-Terrorism Scapegoats           December 1, 2001

O f f s i t e 

Cointel               COINTELPRO Web Site /PW                          December 31, 2001
AU Gas                AU Secret Nerve Gas Project /M                   December 31, 2001
UK E-Biz              UK Electronic Commercial Transactions /NB        December 31, 2001
Cop Rot               ACLU Exposes Baltimore Cops Secret Spy Fund /JG  December 29, 2001
AU Panic              AU Secret Police Get New Powers /A               December 28, 2001

mi-fm                 Military Intelligence /RE                        December 27, 2001
AAAT                  An Analysis of Al-Qaida Tradecraft               December 26, 2001
FLT63                 Passenger Report on Flight 63 to Miami /BD       December 26, 2001
Vile Cops             Cops Vile Snooping Software Downloads /Z         December 24, 2001
Panic 7               Homeland Security, Homeland Profits /WM/DB       December 23, 2001

Brand Dead            New York Style Beside Sorrow                     December 23, 2001
Panic 6               More UK Stale US-Ape Terrorist Alarms /A         December 21, 2001
UK ATCS 2001          Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 /OB  December 21, 2001
GB Idiots             The crime of distributed computing /J            December 21, 2001
Lindows               Winux /RH                                        December 20, 2001

Navy Zap            ^ Sonar Impulse Trauma Kills Whales                December 20, 2001
Euro Key              Euro bank notes to embed RFID chips by 2005 /A   December 20, 2001
DoD 2                 US Expands Investigation of Software Piracy /M   December 20, 2001
Al-FBI                FBI on Al-Qaeda International                    December 19, 2001
Dmitry@home           Dmitry Sklyarov Happily Freezing His Ass Off     December 18, 2001

HDCP Final            HDCP Crack Final Paper /SC                       December 18, 2001
NIST Pub 1            Security for Telecommute/Broadband Comm          December 17, 2001
NIST Pub 2            Guide for Interconnecting Information Systems    December 17, 2001
SNA                   Social Network Analysis of Terrorist Networks /A December 15, 2001
Ross WTC              Ross Anderson on Security/Terrorism              December 14, 2001

Free!/2               DOJ on Skylarov Half-Freedom /SF                 December 14, 2001
Free!                 Dmitry Skylarov Gets Freedom /KF                 December 13, 2001
Dragon              ^ Dragon Battlefield Visualization System          December 13, 2001
Rugged              ^ Ruggedized Handheld for Extreme Environments     December 13, 2001
MSSS                ^ Multi-spectral Sensors and Seekers               December 13, 2001

E-land              ^ E-land Web                                       December 13, 2001
EU Spin               EU on What's Terrorism and Arrest Warrants /TB   December 13, 2001       
SEW                   Space & Electronic Warfare Lexicon /RC           Decmeber 13, 2001
SOF                   DoD Briefs on Special Operations Forces          December 12, 2001
OSA                   US Customs Operation Shield America              December 12, 2001

NRA                 ^ Official NRA Targets                             December 12, 2001
A51                   Area 51 Guards Strike /DL                        December 12, 2001
Topo                ^ Radar Interferometer Topo Blackout               December 12, 2001
CI Sim              ^ Critical Infrastructure Simulation               December 12, 2001
NYistan             ^ Hiphopabad, Bad, Veryverybad                     December 12, 2001

Exodus                US Customs Operation on Suspicious Exports       December 12, 2001
BFH                   Lawyers Sex Drugs Lies Cheats Bills /CS          December 11, 2001
WinHack               Windows hack for Web-surfing privacy /TG         December 10, 2001
Pervs                 Conference on Pervasive Computing /JR            December 10, 2001
Anthrax (ok)          Paper on the Sources of Mailed Anthrax /RH       December 10, 2001

Panic 6               Gov Wants Buyers of Panic Tech Ratted /RH        December 10, 2001
DoDrug                Department of Defense Counterdrug Technology /BH December 9, 2001
PLLT                  Policing: Less Lethal Technologies /OB           December 9, 2001
PAP                   Policing: Alternative Approaches /OB             December 9, 2001
PPOE                  Policing: Public Order Equipment /OB             December 9, 2001

Terr-Trac             Criminal Enforcement Against Terrorists /RH      December 8, 2001
SOAM                  School of the Americas Manuals /MF               December 8, 2001
NLADA                 Alternative to Military Tribunals /DM            December 8, 2001
Afghan CI             Afghanistan Area Study Page /RE                  December 8, 2001
Germs                 Bioterror: What Can Be Done? /AM                 December 8, 2001

Music                 MusicCity Strikes Back in First Court Filing /ML December 8, 2001
Frisk                 Frisk Offers Protection Against FBI Virus /A     December 7, 2001
BIA Sec               Report on Indian Trust Fund Hacking /SM          December 7, 2001
IT Thugs              Italian Cops Get Okay to Commit Crime /DB        December 7, 2001
BF                    Brain Fingerprinting /SU                         December 7, 2001

IAT                   Intelligence Analysis Techniques /DL             December 7, 2001
SB                    Spy Books /RB                                    December 7, 2001
G0PR                ^ Ground Zero Penetrating Radar                    December 6, 2001
urb-see             ^ Remote Sensing of Urban Areas                    December 6, 2001
3D Brain            ^ 3D Brain Atlas                                   December 6, 2001

Anon Win              Anonymity for Windows /TG                        December 6, 2001
AES                   FIPS 197 - Advanced Encryption Standard /SD      December 5, 2001
ID-PKC                CESG Key-Accessible Public Key Crypto /SD        December 4, 2001
PKI02                 1st Annual PKI Research Workshop /CE             December 4, 2001
DEPS                  Directed Energy Professional Society /WK         December 4, 2001

E-Prowl How           Cybercrime Training Contract /CG                 December 3, 2001
E-Prowl               Cybercrime Superprowlers                         December 3, 2001
EU Panic              EU Plans Panic Database of Usual Suspects /TB    December 2, 2001
Nirvana               Cryptoheaven /A/M                                December 1, 2001
FBI Panic             Ashcroft Wants FBI to Homebrew Qaedas /BC        December 1, 2001


mpaa-v-2600-cad.htm   MPAA v. 2600 - Court of Appeals Decision         November 30, 2001
eu-dataspy.htm        EU Forum on Data Retention and Cybercrime        November 30, 2001
usa-v-jdb-op.htm      USA v. Jim Bell - Opening Arguments              November 28, 2001
usa-v-jdb-cl.htm      USA v. Jim Bell - Closing Arguments              November 28, 2001
usa-v-ar-csis.htm     USA v. Ressam - CSIS Intercepts                  November 28, 2001

cia-spann.htm         CIA on Death of Officer in Afghanistan           November 28, 2001
doj112801.txt         Justice Proposed Final Judgment on Microsoft     November 28, 2001
fbi-dirt.htm          AV Makers Blind-eye FBI Dirty Secrets            November 28, 2001
lynchmob-600.htm      Ashcroft Lynch Mob 600                           November 28, 2001
cdc112601.htm         CDC Smallpox Panic Plan                          November 28, 2001

nws112801.txt         Nuclear Weapons Surety Secret Meet               November 28, 2001
treas112001.htm       New Treasury Anti-Money Laundering Guidelines    November 26, 2001
dsb-psyop.htm         Defense Science Board on Psychological Warfare   November 25, 2001
usa-v-jdb-dt.htm      USA v. Jim Bell Trial Transcripts                November 24, 2001
piadc.htm             Plum Island Animal Disease Center                November 24, 2001

spacey-v-burgar.htm * Kevin Spacey v. Jeffrey Burgar                   November 23, 2001
kokkalis-rfi.htm      Inquiry on Socrates Kokkalis                     November 23, 2001
fbi-hazards.htm       Hazards and Illegality of FBI's Magic Lantern    November 22, 2001
faa112101.txt         FAA Rule on Cockpit Access and Door Design       November 21, 2001
csspab112101.txt      CompSysSec and Privacy Board Meet                November 21, 2001

uscg112101.txt        Rule on Acquatic Nuisance Species Bio Terror     November 21, 2001
dsb112101.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meet About Nothing  November 21, 2001
eu-13883-01.htm       EU Secret Proposal on E-Privacy Protection       November 21, 2001
afghan-rnd.htm        Afghanistan Reconstruction and Development       November 20, 2001
bolton112001.txt      More on US Hoisted by Its BioWar Petard          November 20, 2001

ftc112001.txt         Hearings on Intellectual Property                November 20, 2001
bolton111901.txt      US Says Iraq/N Korea Do BioWar Nasty Like US     November 20, 2001
natsios111301.txt     US AID on Afghan Humanitarian Warfare            November 20, 2001
bxa112001.txt         Judgment on Infocom Export Violations            November 20, 2001
achp112001.htm        Historic Oil Pipeline Preservation               November 20, 2001

dsb112001.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meets               November 20, 2001
hdcp111901.htm      * Cryptanalysis of HDCP - Updated                  November 19, 2001
panic-machine.htm     Building Panic with Planted Disinformation       November 19, 2001
eu-antihack.htm       EU Anti-Hacking Proposal                         November 18, 2001
airbus-ead.htm        Airbus Emergency Airworthiness Directive         November 17, 2001

uk-atcs-11.htm        UK Notes on Retention of Communications Data     November 17, 2001
uk-atcs-6-7.htm       UK Notes on Pathogens, Toxins and WMD            November 17, 2001
uk-atcs.htm           UK Bill on Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security    November 16, 2001
eo13234.txt           Executive Order on Ratting Your Neighbors        November 15, 2001
atf111501.txt         National Tracking of NGO Arson and Explosives    November 15, 2001

fac111501.txt         Foreign Assets Control List Do-Favor             November 15, 2001
usps111501.txt        Plan for Postage Meter Carnivore                 November 15, 2001
usg111401.htm         USG Hoohaw on Counterterrorism Biz Stimulus      November 15, 2001
baud-terr.htm         Jean Baudrillard: The Spirit of Terrorism (All)  November 14, 2001
pmo111301.htm         Bush Order on Military Detention and Trial       November 14, 2001

ins111401.txt         INS Rule on Continued Detention of Aliens        November 14, 2001
doe111401.txt         Guide for Yucca Mountain Nuke Waste              November 14, 2001
dnfsb111401.txt       DNFSB on Nuke Safety Testimony and Records       November 14, 2001
nist111401.txt        NIST Gov Inventions Available                    November 14, 2001
ece.htm               Enhanced Carnivore and Echelon                   November 14, 2001

faa-airbus.txt        FAA Airworthiness Directives on Airbus A300      November 13, 2001
faa051801.txt         FAA Airworthiness Directive on GE CF-6 Engines   November 13, 2001
atcsb-notes.htm       UK Anti-Terrorism, Crime, Security Bill Notes    November 13, 2001
ustr111201.htm        USTR on Intellectual Property Rights at WTO      November 13, 2001
pd111301.txt          Prez Directives on WMD and Iran Emergencies      November 13, 2001

dos111301.txt         US Lifts NatSec Sanctions on Pakistan            November 13, 2001
ncss111301.txt        National Nuke Command Secret Meet                November 13, 2001
wap111301.txt         WAP Anti-Trust Membership                        November 13, 2001
ge-failures.htm       Failures of GE Aircraft Engines                  November 12, 2001
spacecom-10-16.pdf    USSPACECOM Crisis Action System Procedures       November 12, 2001

norad-10-22.pdf       NORAD Nuke Bio Chem Warning/Reporting Sytstem    November 12, 2001
norad-55-7.pdf        NORAD Airborne Surveillance of Hijacked Aircraft November 12, 2001
norad-10-1.pdf        NORAD Assistance to Aircraft in Distress         November 12, 2001
norad-10-27.pdf       NORAD and FAA MoU on Defense                     November 12, 2001
norad-55-2.pdf        NORAD Regulation on SCATANA and ESCAT            November 12, 2001

uk-covert-cop.htm     UK Standards of Covert Investigative Techniques  November 11, 2001
cnd-conops.pdf        US Space Command CND Conops (PDF 1.4MB)          November 11, 2001
shayler-gaddafi.htm   David Shayler on MI6 Kill Gaddafi Coverup        November 11, 2001
micp.doc              Model Interstate PK Certificate Policy /PP       November 9, 2001
nfpa-hazmat.htm       National Fire Protection Haz Mat Docs            November 9, 2001

natsec-liars.htm      National Security Liars                          November 9, 2001
tim-osman.htm         When Osama Bin Ladin Was Tim Osman               November 9, 2001
enron-dirty.htm       Enron's Dirty Tricks                             November 9, 2001
spy-dotnet.htm        USA PATRIOT Surveillance   CIA      November 9, 2001
cdc110901.htm         CDC Guide on Hand Hygiene                        November 9, 2001

usa110901.txt         Army Patent on Central Nervous System Aid        November 9, 2001
doe110901.htm         DoE Longterm Nuke Waste Stewardship Plan         November 9, 2001
doj110901.txt         DoJ Ban on Assisted Suicide Drugs                November 9, 2001
usps110801.txt        Final Rule on Postal Evidencing Systems          November 8, 2001
afghan-loves-ny.htm   Afghanistan Loves New York Rebuild Billions      November 8, 2001

bxa-crypto2001.htm    BXA 2001 Foreign Policy Report on Encryption     November 7, 2001
terrpan110701.htm     Panel on Terrorism of WMD Meet                   November 7, 2001
dsb110701.txt         Secret Meet on Chem Warfare                      November 7, 2001
uscg110701.txt        Security Zones for Alaska Oil Facilities         November 7, 2001
cfusai110701.txt      Future of Aerospace Industry Meet                November 7, 2001

alqaida-game.htm      Al-Qaida Endgame?                                November 7, 2001
iaea110101.htm        IAEA on Threat of Nuclear Terrorism              November 5, 2001
doj110501.txt         September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001  November 5, 2001
s1428rs.txt           Senate Bill on Intelligence Funding 2002         November 3, 2001
sr107-92.txt          Senate Report on Intelligence Funding 2002       November 3, 2001

s1438es.txt           Senate on National Defense Funding 2002 (938K)   November 3, 2001           Senate on Nat Defense Funding 2002 (Zipped 220K) November 3, 2001
hr3150-talk.txt       House Vote on Transportation Sec Bill (488K)     November 3, 2001
eo110101.htm          Executive Order on Presidential Coverups         November 3, 2001
coates-seer.htm       The Future of Physical Infrastructure            November 2, 2001

decss-1a.htm          Prior Restraint of Publishing DeCSS              November 2, 2001
panic-secrets.htm     Secrets of Causing Panic                         November 2, 2001
hr107-219.txt         Funds for Intelligence Abject Inept              November 2, 2001
hr107-253.txt         Funds for Treasury and Wardressing Abject Inept  November 2, 2001
doa110201.txt         US Army Opens Patents for Chem Bio Warfare       November 2, 2001

fda110201.txt         Drugs for Inhalational Anthrax (Post-Exposure)   November 2, 2001
uscg110201.txt        NY Marathon Verrazano Bridge Security            November 2, 2001
nrc110201.txt         Final Rule Yucca Mount Nuke Waste (620K)         November 2, 2001         Final Rule Yucca Mount Nuke Waste (Zipped 175K)  November 2, 2001
ncc110201.txt         Call for National Emergency Communications       November 2, 2001

nsf110201.txt         Advisory Committee on Cyberinfrastructure        November 2, 2001
dvd-hoy-reply.htm     Restored File of Censored DVDCCA/Hoy Reply       November 1, 2001
dvd-v-bunner.htm      DVDCCA v. Bunner - Prelim Injunction Reversed    November 1, 2001
softman-v-adobe.htm   Adobe Loses Preliminary Injunction               November 1, 2001
faa-snafu.htm         FAA Pinpoints Nuclear Targets                    November 1, 2001

O f f s i t e 

Hair Spy              Hair Drug Testing                                November 30, 2001
EWH                   Electronic Warfare Handbook /BH                  November 30, 2001

DoJ                   Senate Hearing on DoJ Oversight                  November 28, 2001
DERM                ^ Digital Earth Reference Model (draft)            November 28, 2001
AV Rats               Trust Us                                         November 28, 2001
TFE                   Tempest for Eliza /GP                            November 27, 2001     
Panic 4               Nuclear Panic Psyop                              November 27, 2001

Model City          ^ 895,000 Miniature Structures +/- 2               November 26, 2001
Deepscan            ^ Bathymetric Award                                November 26, 2001
Photo-crop          ^ Materullah Farmhada's Stolen Photo-Op            November 25, 2001
Oil slick           ^ Middle East Petro Geoscience Conference          November 25, 2001
Spot-home           ^ SPOT Your Homeland                               November 24, 2001

WMD Howto             Technologies of Weapons of Mass Destruction      November 23, 2001
Jumble              ^ CIA Jumbles Kids                                 November 23, 2001
NIMA SGI            ^ SGI Serves NIMA's 6600TB Library                 November 22, 2001
Same                  US Sicks CIA Rogues on Rogues /D                 November 22, 2001
Dr. Death             The Threat of Biological Weapons /AM             November 21, 2001

EU Snoop              Statewatch on EU Data Snoop /TB                  November 21, 2001
FBI Virus             FBI Magic Lantern Crypto Cracker /RH             November 20, 2001
Fork Tongues          Digital Defense Frenzy /D                        November 20, 2001
Climatology         ^ 9-11 Climatology                                 November 20, 2001 
Army Maps           ^ Map Reading/Land Navigation, Field Manual (2001) November 20, 2001

GR Panic              Plane Spotters Terrorize Greeks /DF              November 20, 2001
CS Tool               Computer Science Search Tool /MO                 November 20, 2001
War Nuts              Joint Chiefs '62 Plan for Enduring Panic /S      November 20, 2001
A300                  Why Flight 587 Crashed /S                        November 20, 2001
Bush Pap              Bush Asks EU to Trash Human Rights /SW           November 20, 2001

Shhh                  Hushtools /A                                     November 20, 2001
Hide                  Network Camouflaging /DM                         November 20, 2001
K&T                   Kooks and Terrorists /JS                         November 15, 2001
Putsch Bad            NY Times: Bush Putsch Vile /DM                   November 15, 2001
Putsch Good           WS Journal: Bush Putsch Divine /MR               November 15, 2001

MUSS                  Most Unreasonable Search and Seizure /GC         November 15, 2001
Anonot                Do-it-yourself Internet anonymity /TG            November 15, 2001
WTC Fall              Why Did the WTC Towers Fall? /OB                 November 14, 2001
CGL                 ^ Chaordic Geo Libraries /D                        November 14, 2001
GIS-battle          ^ GIS on the Electronic Battlefield                November 14, 2001

Boo2!                 A Truth Machine /GM                              November 14, 2001
Boo!                  Foreign Affairs on Non-USG Terrorism /D          November 14, 2001
DoJ Spy 1             Ashcroft on USA Patriotic Law and Intel /DM      November 14, 2001
DoJ Spy 2             Ashcroft on USA Patriotic Law and Intel /DM      November 14, 2001
GIS-telecoms        ^ GIS in Telecoms 2001 Conference                  November 13, 2001

Orals               ^ NIMA Solicits Oral Services                      November 13, 2001
ATCSB                 UK Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Bill /RC   November 13, 2001 
free-speech.htm     ^ UCLA Apologizes to Gagged Carto Librarian        November 13, 2001
networking.htm      ^ C4ISR Battlespace Networking                     November 12, 2001
eagle-eye.htm       ^ Synthetic Aperture Data Processing Eagle Vision  November 12, 2001

jfk-strike.htm      ^ JFK Airport Bird Hazard Prevention               November 12, 2001
CN v USA              Chinese Companies Supply Rogue Nations /PL       November 12, 2001
UK NIM                UK National Intelligence Machinery /A            November 12, 2001
IP War                Intellectual Property War on Information         November 11, 2001
WTC Fall              Why WTC Towers Stood, Then Fell                  November 11, 2001

Oz Nukes              Osama claims he has nukes /JC                    November 10, 2001
OSIA                  Open Source Intelligence Automation /NS/JS       November 10, 2001
QS                    QuickSilver Anonymizer /GP                       November 10, 2001
RIC                   Rare-earth Information Center                    November 9, 2001
DES Hack              Extracting a 3DES key from an IBM 4758 /GN       November 9, 2001

Find                  PATHFINDER Intelligence Software                 November 8, 2001
Blow                  Encyclopedia of Explosives                       November 8, 2001
JIW                   Journal of Information Warfare /JR               November 8, 2001
UKTA                  UK Threat Assessment /A                          November 7, 2001
NCIS COP              Recording and Dissemination of Intelligence /A   November 7, 2001

Phozz                 Toulouse: The Other September Explosion /JT      November 7, 2001
Trojans               CIA/FBI/DoD/KGB Counter-Counterintelligence      November 7, 2001
CSIS 00-01            Audit: Canadian Security Intelligence Service /A November 7, 2001
BXA FPR               BXA Report to Congress on Export Controls        November 7, 2001
Plod Maw              UK Cops to Gobble All Communications /SL         November 7, 2001

NTI                   Nunn Turner Fellowship in Global Bio-Security    November 6, 2001
TGF                   US Special Ops: "A Total Goat Fuck"              November 5, 2001
Crypto                Cryptodocs /ML                                   November 5, 2001
Home Spy              Giant US Domestic Spying Acoming /PW             November 5, 2001
FRU Kerr              UK Army Chief to Be Grilled on Finucane /DC      November 5, 2001

AIAI33-203            AF Intelligence Tempest Security Update /A       November 5, 2001
WSLF                  WSLF Nuclear Weapons Document Mirror /A          November 5, 2001
SS Nums               Secret Signals - the Euronumbers Mystery /A      November 5, 2001
DSN 2001              Defense Switched Network 2001 Directory /A       November 5, 2001
USAL                  US Army links /A                                 November 5, 2001

BR-I                  Brazilian Intelligence Service /A                November 5, 2001
PSCH                  Paranoids Secure Communications Handbook /A      November 5, 2001
Panic 3               Al Qaeda Killing Guide Copies Intel's Best /JC   November 4, 2001
CIA WTC               Secret CIA Station Destroyed in WTC Attack       November 3, 2001
Panic 2               Secrets of Causing Panic 2 /MR                   November 3, 2001

NSA Yes               NSA Destroys Data on US Persons, Hooray          November 2, 2001
MS Hole               Microsoft Passport to Trouble /PM                November 2, 2001
Bush FU               Bush to Order Coverup of POTUS Fuckups /S        November 2, 2001
Poof                  Iomart: Tell Condolezza and 2 Georges /AM        November 1, 2001
Erase                 Afghanistan: Female Humanity Denied              November 1, 2001


cia-cbrbook.htm       CIA Chem, Bio, Radiological Incident Handbook    October 31, 2001
bop103101.txt         National Security Terrorism in US Prisons        October 31, 2001

nro103101.txt         National Reconnaissance Office Records Exempt    October 31, 2001
hspd-01.htm           Prez Directive on Homeland Security              October 30, 2001
paki-nukes2.htm       US Says Pakistan's Nukes Are Secure              October 30, 2001
fcc103001.txt         Public Safety National Coordination Committee    October 30, 2001
istac103001.txt       Info Security TAC Meet                           October 30, 2001

doj-at-guide.htm      DoJ Field Guidance on Anti-Terrorism Law         October 30, 2001
stego-pal.htm         Steganographic PAL Bypass                        October 30, 2001
isp-hijack.htm        ISPs Hijacking E-mail                            October 30, 2001
wtc-failure.htm       Investigation of WTC Design Failure Needed       October 30, 2001
za-disrupt.htm        Secret South African Disruption                  October 29, 2001

aid102601.htm         USAID/FAO on Famine Emergency in Central Asia    October 29, 2001
dsb102901.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meet                October 29, 2001
pl107-38.txt          $40B Anti-Terrorism to Hide Failure              October 29, 2001
piny.htm              Power, Imagination and New York's Future         October 28, 2001
whats-truth.htm       May, Pravda, FBI, Kallstrom, CIA, DoD on Truth   October 27, 2001

hr3162-senate.txt     Senate Panics USA PATRIOT Domestic Spying Act    October 26, 2001
fac102601.txt         Foreign Assets Control List                      October 26, 2001
nrc102601.txt         NRC Rule on Yucca Mountain Nuke Depository       October 26, 2001
felten-riaa-om.htm    Felten v. RIAA - Opposition to DoJ Dismissal     October 26, 2001
usa-v-ubl-dkt2.txt    USA v. Bin Laden Docket to 23 October 2001       October 25, 2001 (ok)

usa-v-cej-sr.txt      USA v. Carl Johnson - Testimony on PGP Use       October 25, 2001
multiswap.html        Cryptanalysis of Multiswap                       October 25, 2001
ca-gnscr.htm          CA General Nuclear Safety and Control Regs       October 24, 2001
ca-nsr.htm            CA Nuclear Security Regulations                  October 24, 2001
riaa-hoax.htm         RIAA Denies then Affirms DIRTy Deeds             October 24, 2001

hr3162-talk.txt       House Panics USA PATRIOT Domestic Spying Act     October 24, 2001
hr3160-talk.txt       Bioterrorism Hysteria Enforcement Act of 2001    October 24, 2001
hr2899-talk.txt       Freedom Bonds for Big Biz Handout Act of 2001    October 24, 2001
eo13232.txt           Prez Order War-Bizzes Health and Human Services  October 24, 2001
cnsc-docs.htm         Censored Canadian Nuclear Safety Documents       October 23, 2001

dont-panic.htm        How to Beat Nuclear, Bio, and Chem Terror        October 22, 2001
safeweb-priva.htm     Privasec: Safeweb Spawn                          October 22, 2001
safeweb-split.htm     Safeweb Bandwidth Splitting                      October 22, 2001
hr107-250p1.txt       House Report on Financial Anti-Terrorism Bill    October 20, 2001
safeweb-trojans.htm   SafeWeb and Bahamian Trojans                     October 19, 2001

ms-drm.htm            MS Digital Rights Management - Technical Details October 18, 2001
usa-v-ubl-78.htm      USA v Bin Laden Sentencing Hearing Today         October 18, 2001
usa-v-ubl-dkt.txt     USA v Bin Laden Trial Docket (670KB)             October 18, 2001
hr3004-vote.txt       House Approves Financial Anti-Terrorism Bill     October 18, 2001
hr3069ih.txt          Securing American Families Effectively Bill      October 18, 2001

eo13231.txt           Executive Order on Infrastructure Protection     October 18, 2001
safeweb-anongo.htm    Safeweb on Anongo IP Address                     October 17, 2001
wtc-non-us.htm        WTC Non-US Death Toll Outnumber US - Update      October 16, 2001
hr107-236p1.txt       Few Read House Report on PATRIOT Act (925KB)     October 16, 2001
hr107-231p1.txt       Anti-Terrorism for Very Bad Cable TV, Nuke, Bio  October 16, 2001

nrc101601.txt         Time-Bombing Ticking Nuclear Plants              October 16, 2001
doa101601.txt         Solo Mad Japanese Cow Attack                     October 16, 2001
antrhax-biz.htm       Anthrax Business: Nass, Greene, Schneier         October 15, 2001
patriot-usa.htm       House Approved PATRIOT/USA Anti-Terrorism Bills  Ocotber 14, 2001
riaa-anongo.htm       RIAA Safeweb Proxy:                   October 13, 2001

za-masondo.txt        Secret Hearing on ZA/NDF General Masondo         October 12, 2001
riaa-declan.htm       Tracking Declan's Hoax of the RIAA "Hoax"        October 12, 2001
riaa-safeweb.htm      RIAA Safeweb Trace Route                         October 12, 2001
s1510-debate.txt      Senate Debate on Anti-Terrorism Bill             October 11, 2001
secnews101001.htm     Bush Coup Secrecy News                           October 10, 2001

eo13228.txt           Exec Order on Homeland Security Office/Council   October 10, 2001
nara101001.txt        National Industrial Information Security Meet    October 10, 2001
dod101001.txt         DoD Secret Meet on Threat Reduction              October 10, 2001
za-mthembu.txt        Secret Hearing on ZA/NIA's Gabriel Mthembu       October 10, 2001
faa100901.txt         FAA Rule on Cockpit Door Security                October 10, 2001

hr3026ih.txt          Homeland Security Agency Bill                    October 10, 2001
hr3016ih.txt          Chem Bio Anti-Terrorism Bill                     October 10, 2001
fbi100901.txt         FBI Security Program Secret Meet                 October 10, 2001
dsb100901.txt         Defense Science Board Secret meet                October 10, 2001
riaa-secret.htm       RIAA Secret Meeting                              October 10, 2001

brain-scan.htm        Debate: Can Brain Scans Defeat Terrorism?        October 8, 2001
al-stego-rot.htm      Ross Anderson Rebuts Al-Qaida Stego Rot          October 8, 2001
ccia-gregg.htm        CCIA Letter to Sen. Gregg on Encryption Policy   Ocotber 5, 2001
uk-bin-laden.htm      UK Foreign Office Evidence Against Bin Laden     October 5, 2001
s1510is.txt           Senate Anti-Terrorism Bill - USA Act of 2001     October 5, 2001

fbi100501.txt         FBI CALEA Cost Recovery Regulations              October 5, 2001
fcc100501.txt         FCC CALEA Compliance Extension Date              October 5, 2001
dos100501.txt         State Dept List of Terrorist Organizations       October 5, 2001
za-sap.htm            Secret South African Hearing on Security Police  October 4, 2001
juster100401.htm      Commerce Dept on Multilateral Export Regimes     October 4, 2001

patriot2.htm          Status of Anti-terrorism Bills                   October 4, 2001
hr2975ih.txt          House Introduced Version of PATRIOT Act 2001     October 4, 2001
wtc-photos.htm        WTC Photographs 3 October 2001                   October 4, 2001
patriot.htm           PATRIOT Act of 2001 - Antiterrorism Bill         October 2, 2001
torr092601.txt        Sen. Torricelli on Civil Liberties Peace         October 1, 2001

hr2896ih.txt          Paul's War Sires Ashcroft's War                  October 1, 2001
bush-smoke.txt        Bush Stokes War Economy                          October 1, 2001
dot100101.txt         Airport/Aircraft War Secret Meet                 October 1, 2001
mms100101.txt         Minerals Energy War Meet                         October 1, 2001
bxa100101.txt         War Sanctions Lifted on India and Pakistan       October 1, 2001

O f f s i t e 

InfoWar               InfoWar, Terrorism, Crime, NatSec Course         October 31, 2001

Lil Boy               How to Build a Backyard Nuke /MF                 October 30, 2001
Poly Hit              Ex-FBI Polygrapher Hits Practice /GM             October 30, 2001
Pak Nukes             The Risks to Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal          October 29, 2001
SAAG                  South Asia Analysis Group /A                     October 29, 2001             Free David McOwen                                October 27, 2001

OPCW                  Org for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons /M   October 27, 2001
SE NBC                Swedish Inspectorate for Strategic Products /M   October 27, 2001
Sporefree             Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center              October 26, 2001
Sat Stats             Satellite Box Score                              October 26, 2001
Whit                  Diffie on The Threat Of Microsoft's .Net /SD     October 26, 2001

DE Spy                Germany Aprroves Surveillance Regulation /F      October 26, 2001
FBI Ban               Ban FBI 9-11 Narco-Interrogation & Torture /RB   October 26, 2001
SPDRM                 Security/Privacy in Digital Rights Management /S October 25, 2001
MS Sleaze             Microsoft's Really Hidden Files /A               October 25, 2001
DoD Disinfo           DoD Pot Calls Taliban Kettle Black /AP           October 25, 2001

MMCCH                 Medical Management of Chemical Casualties /N     October 24, 2001
CZ Spooks             Czech Security Service 2000 Report /A            October 24, 2001
C102-gb               Russian Federal Security Service /A              October 24, 2001
C103-gb               SVR: Russian Intelligence Service /A             October 24, 2001
C105-GB               FAPSI: RU Gov Communications and Information /A  October 24, 2001

I-Ethics?             Do Intelligence Services Have Ethics? /A         October 24, 2001            China's and Nortel's Golden Surveillance /MG     October 22, 2001
Brain Map           ^ Decoding Minds                                   October 20, 2001
URISA               ^ NYC Emergency Mapping and Data Center (EMDC)     October 20, 2001
No IMGINT           ^ Reporters Without Images                         October 19, 2001

Quickbird           ^ Hi-rez Launch                                    October 19, 2001
TX-$-UBL              Bush Texas Money Tied to Bin Laden /WM           October 19, 2001
Spook Gag             UK D-Notice Gags Spook Numbers Radio /C          October 18, 2001
Virilio               A Crash of Strategic Thought? /JA                October 18, 2001
Cyber Court           Gov. Gilmore Calls for Cyber Court /DM           October 18, 2001

Putsch Watch          Statewatch Observatory /TB                       October 18, 2001
RIAA Plant            RIAA Copyright DoS Attack Rumor Planted? /TG     October 18, 2001
ATA Ploy              Anti-Terrorism Putsch /DM                        October 18, 2001
dsniff                Cheap Carnivore to Scarfo FBI Carnivore /N       October 17, 2001
Dad's Num             Senator Gregg Got Clued on FBI Scarfo Scam /DM   October 17, 2001

Win Tit               Win-XP denounced as terrorism tool /TG           Ocotber 17, 2001
Pig Sty               Sy Hersh on NSA Intercepts of Royal Saudi Pigs   October 16, 2001
CA Too                Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act /A                   October 15, 2001
CA Too 2              Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act /I                   October 15, 2001
Leaksafe              How to Safely Leak a Secret About SSOBs /AS      October 15, 2001

Hot Stuff             Gordon Thomas on ES Echelon, bin Laden /MHG      October 15, 2001
RI DIRTy              RIAA Wants to DIRTy Your PC /RF                  October 15, 2001
FBI Tool              FBI: Carnivore Diagnostic Tool                   October 13, 2001
HomeSec               GAO on Homeland Security: Risk Management        October 12, 2001
OBL                   Osama Bin Laden MP3 Song Collection /M           October 10, 2001

Choke                 GAO Testimony on Food Safety and Security        October 10, 2001
Radiant               Radiant Games infowar/intelligence/espionage /AC October 10, 2001
FBI KLS               Scarfo Case FBI Key Logger System Affidavit /DS  October 10, 2001
HoC                   House of Commons on Al Qaeda Evidence /OB        October 4, 2001
CG SI                 Crypto-Gram Special Issue                        October 1, 2001


shayler-v-coa.htm     David Shayler Appeal Dismissed                   September 29, 2001
hr107-219.txt         House Report on Intelligence Funding             September 28, 2001
sr107-51.txt          Senate Intelligence Committee Report             September 28, 2001
sr107-63.txt          Senate Report on Intelligence Funding            September 28, 2001
occ092801.htm         Public Workshop on Financial Privacy             September 28, 2001

bxa092801.txt         Export Regs Revision for Chem/Bio Weapons        September 28, 2001
fema092801.txt        Disaster in New York/New Jersey                  September 28, 2001
faa092801.txt         Security Control of Air Traffic Rule             September 28, 2001
cdc092801.txt         National Vaccine Advisory Panel Meet             September 28, 2001
omb092801.txt         Quality, Integrity in Federal Information        September 28, 2001

uscg092701.txt        US Coast Guard Homeland Security                 September 27, 2001
dot092701.txt         Dept Transportation Homeland Security            September 27, 2001
sec092701.txt         SEC Homeland Security                            September 27, 2001
sss092701.txt         Draft Board Homeland Security                    September 27, 2001
doa092701.txt         Emergency for Chronic Wasting Disease            September 27, 2001

wtc-desecration.htm   WTC Desecration, Consecration                    September 24, 2001
za-hamas.htm          South African Intelligence Report on Hamas       September 24, 2001
sci-enemy.htm         When Science Inadvertantly Aids the Enemy        September 24, 2001
telecomm-weak.htm     Vulnerabiities of the Telecomm System            September 23, 2001
wtc-training.htm      WTC Terrorist Training                           September 22, 2001

gao-homesec.htm       Homeland Security: A Framework for the Nation    September 21, 2001
gao-faa-weak.htm      Terrorist Attacks Show Weak Aviation Security    September 21, 2001
mata.htm (see ATA)    Mobilization Against Terrorism Act W/Analysis    September 20, 2001
mata-anal.htm         Mobilization Against Terrorism Act Analysis      September 20, 2001
mormon-dmca.htm       Mormons DMCA Homosexual File                     September 19, 2001

gregg091301.txt       Senator Gregg: World Gov Needs Crypto Key Access September 19, 2001
proc7463.txt          Presidential Declaration of National Emergency   September 18, 2001
sec-news.htm          New Resources on Terrorism                       September 17, 2001
dod091501.htm         DoD News Briefing on Pentagon Damage             September 15, 2001
wtc-junksci.htm       WTC Asbestos Junk Science                        September 14, 2001

wtc-collapse-rc.htm   Reader Comments on WTC Collapse                  September 14, 2001
afghan-coup.htm       Afghanistan and the "New Great Game"             September 13, 2001
wtc-hazards.htm       Hazards of the World Trade Center                September 12, 2001
wtc-collapse.htm      Comments on the WTC Towers Collapse              September 12, 2001
mc-gehee-db.htm       NameBase to Google About Missing McGehee Posts   September 11, 2001

spy-state.htm         Covert Operations and Spying Around the World    September 10, 2001
dod091001.txt         DoD Secret Meets                                 September 10, 2001
cdc091001.txt         Homeland BioWar: Diseases of the Food Supply     September 10, 2001
ta091001.htm          High-Tech Workforce Training Programs in the US  September 10, 2001
mc-gehee.htm          Ralph McGehee Censored Usenet Posts              September 9, 2001

sssca.htm             Security Systems Standards and Certification Act September 9, 2001
homormon.htm          Mormon Homosexual Problems                       September 8, 2001
unwanted-spies.htm    Unwanted Spies in the Workplace                  September 7, 2001
echelon-ep-fin.htm    European Parliament Final Report on Echelon      September 7, 2001
echelon-090501.htm    European Commission Resolution on Echelon        September 6, 2001

noaa090601.txt        Satellite Rental Subsidies                       September 6, 2001
fasab090601.txt       National Defense Cleanup Homeland Threat         September 6, 2001
dos090601.txt         State Dept Sets Info Security Office             September 6, 2001
eaa2001.txt           Export Administration Act 2001                   September 5, 2001
cia-2619-db.htm       Namebase on the Crowley List of "CIA Sources"    September 5, 2001

dis-isdn.htm          Secret Digital Intercept System for ISDN         September 5, 2001
ussc090501.htm        US Sentencing Commission RFC on PA Rules etc.    September 5, 2001
dod090401.htm         DoD Press Conference on Bio War Research         September 5, 2001
dia090401.htm         Defense Intel Agency Admits Bio War Research     September 4, 2001
nsf090401.txt         NSF Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastructure   September 4, 2001

kozinski.htm          Judicial Privacy on Trial                        September 4, 2001
us-africa-wm.htm      US (Under)mining of Africa                       September 3, 2001
cjcsm623105a-B.htm    CJCSM 6231.05a App B-Detailed COMSEC Procedures  September 3, 2001
cjcsm623105a-A.htm    CJCSM 6231.05a App A-KIV-7 Embeddable KG-84      September 3, 2001
cjcsm623105a.htm      CJCSM 6231.05a - Joint Communications Security   September 3, 2001

O f f s i t e 

ATA Hack              Possible Anti-Terrorism Bill Direction /LT       September 30, 2001
Not Net               How 911 Terrorists Slipped US Net                September 27, 2001
AU Dogs               Australia Haven for War Criminals /JC            September 26, 2001
MI Story              The Military Intelligence Story /A               September 26, 2001
Spy Pry               EPIC's Analysis of Anti-Terror Bill /DS          September 24, 2001

WTC 3D                WTC Damage in 3d /I                              September 24, 2001
WTC 767               Before 911: Can WTC Survive 767 Hit /BM          September 24, 2001
NG101                 National Guard 101 /A                            September 24, 2001
Wet Work 2 (ok)       Jihad Assassination Politics /DT                 September 23, 2001
Paper               ^ WTC: Sample Debris                               September 23, 2001

MI5 Pry               MI5 Files Forced Open /A                         September 23, 2001
Nukes                 US Nuclear Plants Vulnerable /JH                 September 23, 2001
Wet Work              CIA Assassination Politics /OB                   September 23, 2001
OBL                   Osama bin Laden FAQ /RW                          September 22, 2001
CA Intel              Canadian Intelligence Report /CD                 September 22, 2001

CA IIS                Canadian Info and Intel Superiority /CD          September 22, 2001
Spy Stego             Detecting Stego Content on the Internet /GP      September 22, 2001
GOP Me2               GOP Homeland Security Suckup /DM                 September 22, 2001
Homormon              Mormon's Homosexual Problem                      September 22, 2001
LDS Gay               Mormon Gay Attraction Problem /HO                September 22, 2001

T-Lex                 Terrorist Manual /SF                             September 22, 2001
Judd                  Sen. Judd Prepares Crypto Limit Bill /DM         September 22, 2001
MI5 25                1925 Secret Service (MI5) Report /A              September 22, 2001
TZL                   The Zinoviev Letter /A                           September 22, 2001
Harvard               Harvard Model Congress 2000 /A                   September 22, 2001

Sec Assist            Security Assistance for Emerging Nations /A      September 22, 2001
PGP?                  Do You Trust PGP? /A                             September 22, 2001
WTC Who               List of 600 Firms in WTC /DM/GS                  September 20, 2001
ATA                   Anti-Terrorism Act (later than MATA) /SM         September 20, 2001
FAA 911             ^ FAA Manual: Emergency Procedures                 September 20, 2001

Bearkill            ^ ExxonMobil Targets Polar Bears                   September 20, 2001
NIMA Bugger         ^ NIMA Solicits Crypto Repairman                   September 19, 2001
XXX Pix             ^ NIMA to Purchase Erotic Imagery                  September 19, 2001
NIMA C4             ^ NIMA C4 Conf and Expo                            September 19, 2001
Day After (New link)  Nuclear Survival Skills /II/JK                   September 18, 2001

WTC Sat               Space Imaging IKONOS satellite images of WTC /PW September 17, 2001
FAA SMO               FAA on Special Military Operations               September 17, 2001
SCATANA 3             Did US air emergency procedure aid WTC attack?   September 17, 2001
SCATANA 2             Security Control of Air Traffic/Navigation /DP   September 17, 2001 
SCATANA 1             SCATANA Law /DP                                  September 17, 2001

RU Topos            ^ Russian Military Topo Maps of Afghanistan        September 17, 2001
WTC-SPOT            ^ SPOT Satellite: WTC   3hrs (220KB)               September 15, 2001
FM90-10             ^ Military Ops on Urbanized Terrain (1979)         September 15, 2001
WTC Hazards           Asbestos/Toxic Hazards at WTC /EM                September 13, 2001
Birdstrike          ^ Middle East Migratory Flyway Protection          September 13, 2001

WTC MFP             ^ World Trade Center Migratory Flyway Protection   September 11, 2001
GPS Risk            ^ GPS Risk                                         September 11, 2001
Spy Sat             ^ NRO Launch                                       September 11, 2001
DeNum                 DeCSS Executable Prime Number /TG                September 11, 2001
ARDA                  Intel Advanced Research and Development /EO      September 10, 2001

NRO Peek              NRO Secrets Most Jealously Guarded /WK           September 10, 2001
Bribe BR              Sale of Fighter Aircraft to Brazil /PG           September 10, 2001
MI X                  Ex-MI5 Head Blasts Official Secrets Act /J       September 8, 2001
CR Drugs              Costa Rica: Onion Model of NatSec /E             September 8, 2001
Cyberthug             Hollings' Idiot Computer Assault Bill /DC        September 8, 2001

AO Blink              Judicial Monitoring Backoff /JT                  September 8, 2001
MI Biz                MI5 Offers to Spy for UK Firms /J                September 6, 2001
Bashers               FBI Raids Muslim Web Hosting Company /B          September 6, 2001
MEIB                  Middle East Intelligence Bulletin /JC            September 6, 2001
By By 1               Get Rid of the Spooks /D                         September 6, 2001

By By 2               NYT: Leak Bill Hearing Cancelled /A              September 6, 2001
By Buy 3              Spooks in the House of Commons /HF               September 6, 2001
By Buy 4              The Spies Biggest Secret /J                      September 6, 2001
DE Vermin             German Bugging Expert Squeals /A                 September 6, 2001
RU Vermin             FSB Ordered Assassinations, Bombings /DB         September 6, 2001

AU Sec                AU Intelligence and National Security /A         September 6, 2001
EU Sec                Revising the European security concept /A        September 6, 2001
Out Law 1             Oregon Decision Halts Undercover Operations /GB  September 4, 2001
Out Law 2             News: Oregon Law Halts Undercover Ops /AF/GB     September 4, 2001
DE5                 ^ 5th Digi Earth Meeting                           September 4, 2001

C4ISTT              ^ C4IST Toys                                       September 3, 2001
GeoLib              ^ NRC: Distributed Geolibraries (1999)             September 3, 2001
RMS                 ^ Riparian Mapping Standard                        September 3, 2001
RSMS                ^ Remote Sensing Metadata Standard                 September 3, 2001
Homeland INT          Law Governing ECHELON/SIGINT in the US /LS       September 1, 2001


nsa-cort.htm          NSA: Cyber Operations Readiness Triad (CORT)     August 31, 2001
diopt.htm             Defensive Information Operations Planning Tool   August 31, 2001
aousc-porn.htm        Admin Office of US Courts on Porn Downloads      August 30, 2001
jdb040901-2.htm       Jim Bell Testimony Day 2                         August 30, 2001
dmitry-burton.htm     Statement from Sklyarov Defense Team             August 29, 2001

dmitry-indict.htm     Indictment Doc of Dmitry Sklyarov and Elcom      August 29, 2001
hr2435ih.txt          Cyber Security Information Act                   August 29, 2001         Sklyarov Nevada Court Files (Zipped TIFs 950KB)  August 28, 2001
dmitry-doj-hit.htm    DoJ Press Release on Sklyarov/Elcom Indictment   August 28, 2001
jdb040601.htm         Jim Bell Testimony Day 1                         August 28, 2001

mi6-mischief2.htm     More MI6 Mischief                                August 28, 2001
nro-spy-fbi.htm       FBI Criminal Complaint of Alleged NRO Spy        August 28, 2001
fbi082801.txt         FBI Security Oversight, Secret Meet              August 28, 2001
usss082801.txt        US Secret Service Records and Office Locations   August 28, 2001
pitac082801.txt       Prez Information Technology Panel Meet           August 28, 2001

usa082801.txt         US Army Armaments Meet                           August 28, 2001
csspab082701.txt      Computer Security and Privacy Board Meet         August 28, 2001
pto082701.txt         Patent Office RFC on Classified Documents        August 28, 2001
aci2p082701.txt       State Dept International Comm and Info Meet      August 28, 2001
manno-1a-win.htm      Donald Manno Wins 1A Decision in Scarfo Case     August 27, 2001

west-usa.htm          US Attorney on Brian West Non-Crime              August 26, 2001
pth.htm               DSB Report on Protecting the Homeland, Vol I     August 26, 2001
jdb082501.htm         Case Files USA v. Jim Bell                       August 26, 2001
dio.htm               DSB Report on Defensive Information Operations   August 25, 2001               DSB Report on Defensive Info Operations (Zipped) August 25, 2001

jdb-hit.htm           Jim Bell Sentenced to 10 Years                   August 25, 2001
moscow-91.htm         Understanding the Moscow Coup of August 1991     August 24, 2001
wmd-biz.htm           US Curbs WMD by Others, Sells More Arms          August 23, 2001
jones-v-cat.htm       Circuit Judge Jones Blasts Judicial Snooping     August 22, 2001
fbi-flexguide2.htm    CALEA Flexible Deployment Assistance Guide 2     August 21, 2001

west-hack.htm         Brian West Innocent?                             August 21, 2001
mpaa-v-2600-ao2.htm   MPAA v. 2600 - Amended Opinion by Judge Kaplan   August 20, 2001
sp800-31.htm          NIST SP800-31 - Intrusion Detection Systems      August 19, 2001
eaa081701.htm         Emergency Export Controls Law Extended Again     August 19, 2001         AU DSD Comsec Handbooks (Zipped, 890KB)          August 18, 2001

biz-spies.htm         Recruiting Overseas Employees as US Spies        August 18, 2001
scif-regs.htm         Documents Required in SCIFs                      August 18, 2001
mi6-mischief.htm      MI6 Mischief - Diana's Death                     August 18, 2001
dmitry-fund.htm       Dmitry Sklyarov Defense Fund Set up              August 17, 2001
terr081601.htm        Domestic Terrorism Panel Meet                    August 16, 2001

af081601.txt          Air Force RFC on Space Transportation            August 16, 2001
cdc081601.txt         Landmine-Related Injuries Program                August 16, 2001
nseb081601.txt        National Security Education Board Meets          August 16, 2001
za-snoop-pi.htm       Privacy International Hits ZA Snoop Bill         August 14, 2001
nsa-dcm.htm           NSA's Dual Counter Mode Broken and Withdrawn     August 13, 2001

doa081301.txt         US Naval Ports Security Upgrade                  August 13, 2001
handy-gun.htm         Cell Phone Gun                                   August 12, 2001
cse2001.htm           CSE Commissioner Annual Report 2001              August 10, 2001
bxa081001.txt         Export Regs Lumps List of Really Bad Nations     August 10, 2001
dod081001.txt         New Secret Advisory Group on Deterrence          August 10, 2001

ustr081001.txt        US Hammers Ukraine on Intellectual Property      August 10, 2001
jack-harvard.htm      Jack Valenti Enjoys Pushing DMCA at Harvard      August 9, 2001
yell-fire2.htm        Code Red Not A Red Herring                       August 8, 2001
mp080701.htm          Court of Appeals Rules Against Pavlovich         August 8, 2001
36211a.html           IRS Undercover Operations                        August 7, 2001

36209a.html           IRS Surveillance and Covert Monitoring           August 7, 2001
irs-ci.htm            IRS Criminal Investigation Handbook              August 7, 2001
usa-v-dmitry-pr.htm   Public Records in USA v. Dmitry Sklyarov         August 6, 2001
don080601.txt         US Navy Environmental Warfare                    August 6, 2001
dod080601.txt         DoD Secret Meets on Electronic Devices           August 6, 2001

us-ndp.htm            US Disclosure of Classified Military Information August 6, 2001
cn2-infowar.htm       Infowar Capabilities of the Two Chinas           August 4, 2001
ru-natsec2000.htm     2000 Russian National Security Concept           August 4, 2001
yell-fire.htm         Code Red - a Red Herring                         August 3, 2001
dvdcca080301.txt      DVD CCA Membership Update                        August 3, 2001

atf080301.txt         ATF Rule on Firearms Marking                     August 3, 2001
nhtsa080301.txt       High-Theft Vehicle Lines                         August 3, 2001
hdcp-4attacks.htm     Four Simple Cryptographic Attacks on HDCP        August 2, 2001
za-esnoop2.htm        South African Interception and Monitoring Bill   August 2, 2001
dvb-cpcm-cfp.htm      DVB Content Protection & Copy Management - CFP   August 1, 2001

O f f s i t e 

Rebut                 Elcomsoft Responds to Indictment /KF             August 30, 2001
FvC                   Fayed v. CIA Decision /NN                        August 30, 2001
Pigeon INT          ^ CIA Spots Kids                                   August 29, 2001
Rats                  Snitch Culture /A                                August 29, 2001

Net Fear              Criminalizing the Internet /JC                   August 29, 2001
Med Spy               Impact of Sklyarov Case on Medical Privacy /RA   August 29, 2001
Why Spy               Why Spy for Economic Information /A              August 29, 2001
Topo FM             ^ Topographic Surveying, Field Manual (2001)       August 28, 2001
NATO Spot           ^ NATO Spots Kosovo                                August 28, 2001

Space Yarp          ^ Spatial Discursions (+offsite)                   August 28, 2001
FBI Dog               FBI Breeds Wireless Carnivore / DB               August 28, 2001
CIA Fear              CIA Fears Greeks / OB                            August 28, 2001
Mad MoD               MoD Scientists Infected Humans /JS               August 28, 2001
ISF                   Isayeret: Israeli Special Forces /WK             August 28, 2001

TopoZone              Custom Topographic Map Service /WK               August 28, 2001
ALP                   Airborne Laser Platform /WK                      August 28, 2001
VEW                   Computer Viruses in Electronic Warfare /WK       August 28, 2001
Weale                 Military Competitive Espionage /M                August 26, 2001
Prick                 German Competitive Espionage /A                  August 26, 2001

Acoute                French Competitive Espionage /A                  August 26, 2001
ZA Intel              South African Competitive Espionage /A           August 26, 2001
NRO Spy?              Alleged NRO Spy /A                               August 26, 2001
Jack You              Fingered by the Movie Cops /BR                   August 23, 2001
KSC                   Keystroke Criminals /D                           August 23, 2001

RIP Rip               Dead Ask AG to Go Easy on Microsoft /JH          August 23, 2001
SSH-Timing (ok)       Keystroke Timing Analysis/SSH Timing Attacks /PM August 22, 2001
PR DB               ^ NRC: Private Rights and Sci-Tech Databases       August 22, 2001
Rev Opt             ^ Reversing the Panopticon                         August 22, 2001
No. 1               ^ The New Imperialist                              August 22, 2001

NSC                   NSA School of Cyberterrorism /JC                 August 20, 2001
BXA                   BXA Crypto Export Page Updated                   August 20, 2001
GPS                 ^ GPS Nation                                       August 20, 2001
AirSnort              WEP Decrypt Tool /EL                             August 19, 2001            
ToEMR                 Terrors of Electromagnetic Research /BC          August 19, 2001

Code Books            DoJ/SEC Crack New Tech Encoded Bookkeeping       August 19, 2001
WiFi Fear             Wireless Security Fears Growing                  August 19, 2001
Hawk                ^ Hawk Surveillance                                August 19, 2001
Giraffe             ^ Giraffe Surveillance                             August 19, 2001
BKW                   Okie Rag Security Hole Eggs DoJ/FBI Attack /TJ   August 18, 2001

Trash Op            ^ Fiber Optic Cables Trash Marine Sanctuaries      August 18, 2001
Map Off             ^ LoC: Our Maps May Offend                         August 18, 2001
MfS                   STASI Uncovered /A                               August 18, 2001
F22                   Critique of the F22 Raptor (French) /DG          August 18, 2001
SSRT                  Special Security Representative Training /BH     August 18, 2001

ACSI 33               AU DSD ComSec Instructions 20 Dec 2000 /WM       August 18, 2001
WTPF 2001             World Telecommunication Policy Forum /A          August 18, 2001
WTPF Chair            Report by the WTPF Chairman on IP Telephony /A   August 18, 2001
WTPF SG               Report of Secretary-General on IP Telephony /A   August 18, 2001
Secret Key            Trade Secrets Are the Key to America's Future    August 17, 2001

Secret Pay            Espionage Does Pay Photo Collection              August 17, 2001
Jackshit              DMCA Censorship in Action                        August 15, 2001
DoJ Rats              DoJ Guidelines on Confidential Informants /JD    August 15, 2001
Rats File             Inside the Informant File /JD                    August 15, 2001 
Quds                  Islamic Terrorist Site Says Wall Street Journal  August 13, 2001

Hamas                 Islamic Terrorist Site Says Wall Street Journal  August 13, 2001
vorbis                Ogg Vorbis Launches                              August 13, 2001
ZA Rage               Protests Rise on South Africa Snoop Bill /A      August 13, 2001
Intel WW1             British Intelligence Jan 1917 To Apr 1919 /AC    August 12, 2001
sat-trax              Classified Satellite Tracking /AT                August 12, 2001

sat-sec               Satellite Vulnerability: Post-Cold War /AT       August 12, 2001
MFT                   Military Fitness and Training /J                 August 12, 2001
I Ball                Super Bowl Surveillance Via Biometrics /BG       August 12, 2001
INT INT               Analysis of CSCE and Japan Intel Services /A     August 11, 2001
DE Int                German INT of Russian SIGINT /A                  August 11, 2001

IDNA                  Interpol DNA Guide /NN                           August 11, 2001
Info Ops              CSIS on Information Operations /A                August 11, 2001
WoD Drug              US Military War-Drugging Costa Rica /OG          August 11, 2001
going               ^ Landsat 5 Still Acquiring                        August 10, 2001
laserscan           ^ Import, Export NIMA 3D Data                      August 10, 2001

LoL                 ^ Lie of the Land                                  August 9, 2001
echo                ^ EchoStar Insider                                 August 9, 2001
new                 ^ New NIMA Director                                August 9, 2001
remote              ^ Remote Sensing Terms                             August 8, 2001
Bob Fib               FBI chief Mueller lied to Senate on key-logging  August 8, 2001

Key Logger            EPIC on FBI-Scarfo Key Logging Case /SC          August 8, 2001             
ISSUB                 AU Intel Bill Public/Government Comments /VC     August 8, 2001
chemwar.htm         ^ Materiel Destruction                             August 8, 2001
nro-files.htm       ^ National Reconnaissance Records                  August 8, 2001
warforest.htm       ^ US Army National Forest                          August 8, 2001

Race                  US Race for Space Weaponry Supremacy /JW         August 6, 2001
Hang Him              Why Choking Dmitry Sklyarov Is Good Business /RP August 3, 2001        
Code DOA              Media Skepticism of Code Red /RF                 August 3, 2001
Palast Hit            UK Libel Suit Censors US Website /A              August 3, 2001
ICCB                  Intelligence: Cult, Craft, or Business? /JM      August 2, 2001

JULY 2001

anc-manual.htm        ANC Manual for Covert Actions                    July 25, 2001
dmitry-call.htm       Adobe, EFF Call for Release of Dmitry Sklyarov   July 23, 2001
mi6-bush.htm          MI6, Bush and Foot and Mouth                     July 23, 2001

carni-barr.htm        House Passes Carnivore Use Disclosure Amendment  July 23, 2001
ds-sj-protest.htm     Photos of Dmitry Sklyarov Protest at Adobe HQ    July 23, 2001

amcpam14-1toc.htm     USAF AMCPAM 14-1 Intelligence Cookbook TOC       July 23, 2001        USAF AMCPAM 14-1 Intelligence Cookbook (389KB)   July 23, 2001
dmitry-bruce.htm      Bruce Schneier on Dmitry Sklyarov Arrest         July 23, 2001
dmitry-eff-ag.htm     EFF to Ashcroft: Halt Sklyarov Prosecution       July 20, 2001
cia-blackhole.htm     GAO on CIA Refusal to Provide Information        July 18, 2001

usa-v-sklyarov.htm    USA Complaint Against Dmitry Sklyarov            July 17, 2001
bxa071601.txt         EAR and Wassenaar, EAR and Wassenaar Harmony     July 16, 2001
cecom071601.txt       RFP Win2K Biometrics                             July 16, 2001
fdic071601.txt        RFC Online Delivery Banking Regulations          July 16, 2001
crypto-rats.htm       Crypto Rats                                      July 16, 2001

sue-bastards2.htm     RIAA Motion Memo to Dismiss Felten Suit          July 16, 2001
uk-us-bribe.htm       Can UK-US Echelon-Bribe EU Spooks                July 15, 2001
war-at-home.htm       US Military Plans One War, Maybe at Home         July 14, 2001
palast2.htm           Call to Oppose Barrick Suit of Observer/Palast   July 13, 2001
spawar071301.txt      US Navy SPAWAR Info-War RFI                      July 13, 2001

usasoc071101.txt      Special Operations Command Win2K Info-War        July 13, 2001
eu-priv-vote.htm      EU Data Privacy and Retention Vote               July 12, 2001
levy-update2.htm      Public Hearing on Matt Pavlovich Appeal          July 11, 2001
za-cbw.htm            Apartheid Chemical/Biological Warfare Program    July 11, 2001
usa-v-ubl-76.htm      USA v. bin Laden - Transcript Day 76 (Verdict)   July 10, 2001

nl-spin-cops.htm      Dutch Police Should Manage Public Opinion        July 10, 2001
eu-priv-iset.htm      EU Data Privacy Opinions by Ilka Schroeder, MEPs July 10, 2001
darpa070601.txt       RFP Chip-Scale Atomic Clock                      July 10, 2001
nsc070901.htm         NSC Director of Intelligence Programs            July 10, 2001
bpm071001.txt         Sweden Gets US Arms Traffic Kiss                 July 10, 2001

inscom-foia04.htm     INSCOM Dossier on Czech Intelligence Service     July 9, 2001
cg070901.txt          Protection Against Submarine Sabotage            July 9, 2001
bigwood.htm           The Accidental Spy                               July 8, 2001
eu-priv-cappato.htm   MEP Marco Cappato Report on EU Privacy Directive July 8, 2001
echelon-turco.htm     EP Echelon Report Dissent by Maurizio Turco MEP  July 6, 2001

usa-v-ubl-74.htm      USA v. bin Laden - Transcript Day 74             July 5, 2001
fips140-2.htm         FIPS 140-2 Sec Requirements for Crypto Modules   July 5, 2001
eu-intel-fight.htm    Fight over Euro-intelligence plans               July 4, 2001
kiss-whip.htm         Kissing the Censor's Whip                        July 4, 2001
echelon-epmr.htm      EuroParl Motion for Resolution on Echelon        July 4, 2001

DIRT-bags.htm         Govs Use Your Net Service to Spy on You          July 4, 2001
palast.htm            Observer Faces Suit Over Human Rights Report     July 4, 2001
usa-v-ubl-73.htm      USA v. bin Laden - Transcript Day 73             July 3, 2001
usa-v-ubl-72.htm      USA v. bin Laden - Transcript Day 72             July 3, 2001
longley-cook.htm      Longley-Cook on Threat of US Preventive War      July 3, 2001

occ070201.htm         OCC Proposed Rule on Electronic Banking          July 2, 2001
rge.htm               Equatorial Guinean Resistance (RGE)              July 2, 2001
se-intel.htm          Swedish Intelligence                             July 1, 2001
yum-mum.htm           Security Engineering: A Guide to Steal or Not    July 1, 2001
dmca-cos.htm          DMCA and The Church of L. Ron Hubbard Updated    July 1, 2001

O f f s i t e

SMCI                  Study Manual for Counterintelligence /A          July 21, 2001
Sources               SOA Study Manual for Handling Intel Sources /A   July 21, 2001
E-War                 A New Cold War Over Crypto /BT                   July 20, 2001
MI Fink (OK)          MI5 Spied on Lord Archer /WH                     July 20, 2001
Gulaged               USG/Adobe Disappear Dmitry Sklyarov /DM          July 19, 2001

Big Pix             ^ It's Not Your Father's Leica                     July 17, 2001
CSE Grows             CSE: From Cold War to Globalization /A           July 15, 2001
MI Stash              UK Spooks £1 Billion Slush Fund /TK              July 14, 2001
See Cyber             Seeing Cyberspace /BC                            July 14, 2001
CIA Fakes             CIA Faked Satellite Failure, et al /RW           July 14, 2001

Top Ops             ^ Topographic Operations, Field Manual (2000)      July 13, 2001
Shamrock 2            CIA Spying on US Citizens /DT                    July 13, 2001
Nelson                FBI Unveils ex-CIA Officer /DT                   July 13, 2001
Bribes 2              US Anti-Bribery Report 2001                      July 13, 2001
Matt                  Pavlovich DVD-DeCSS Case Report /SS              July 13, 2001

PDF Crack             Adobe PDF eBook Cracked /KF                      July 13, 2001
ABM                   Helen Caldicott to Oppose Ballistic Missiles /AT July 13, 2001
Toons                 Frankentoons /JK                                 July 13, 2001
Bribes                U.S. Uncovers Record Overseas Bribes /RW         July 12, 2001
WPA                   Inside Windows Product Application /MG           July 12, 2001

NSC Dopers            Drug Dealing by US National Security Council /Z  July 11, 2001
Sloth 5               Nuclear Warheads Microshafted /DK                July 11, 2001
Sloth 4               Hungarian Nuclear Materials Lost /DK             July 11, 2001
Sloth 3               Ukranian Nuclear Materials Lost /DK              July 11, 2001
Sloth 2               More Nuclear Materials Lost /DK                  July 11, 2001

SOA                 ^ Spray-on Antenna                                 July 11, 2001
DMSO                ^ Defense Modeling and Simulation Masterplan       July 11, 2001
ICP                 ^ Image Compression Patent                         July 11, 2001
3DN                 ^ 3-D Network Display Patent                       July 11, 2001
Sloth                 Nuclear Materials Microshafted /DK               July 11, 2001

NCI                   The New Craft of Intelligence /A                 July 10, 2001
CTBT (OK)             CTBT Analysis /S/ML                              July 10, 2001
Bigwood               Jeremy Bigwood Photojournalism                   July 8, 2001
Chomsky's Proof       Jared T. Bozydaj Shoots Cop, Not News /MF        July 6, 2001
BG Spooks             Bulgarian Classified Files Index /P              July 6, 2001

BG Intel              Bulgarian National Security Report /P            July 6, 2001
SE Intel              Swedish Intelligence Overview /MO                July 6, 2001
Great Brits           Protestors Storm Menwith Hill Echelon Base /SS   July 3, 2001      
Grids               ^ NIMA Datums and Grid Reference Systems           July 3, 2001
Spy Spat              When Spies Fall Out about Echelon                July 3, 2001

CALL                  US Army Lessons Learned Virtual Library /A       July 1, 2001
Sat Spy               Real-Time Satellite Tracking Site /S             July 1, 2001
Spy Eyes              NZ Spies Likely to Fight Crime /N/PB             July 1, 2001